Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Title Test

EXP #1 -- Title: Kittens Playing-- Views: 10 - 12 in all (2 views I don't count from my husband)-- Comments: 2 Rating : 4.5 stars of 3 ratings - Posted on a Tuesday at 7:00 pm removed on Wednesday at 11:00 - Viewed in 6 states and 2 countries- 1 view from YT search for key word kittens

EXP #2 -- Title: Hot Sex Kittens--Views 18 - 19 in all (again my video addicted husband couldn't stop from clicking the play button arhh!) -- Comments: 1 - Rating: 5 stars of 1 rating - Posted on Monday night at 7:30pm(opps almost forgot) removed on Tuesday night at 11:00 pm - Viewed in 5 countries - 38% of views from searches mainly key word sex and some from sex kittens

Exp #3--Title: Juno and Mark Apsolon's kittens- Views10 (this time my video addicted husband resisted watching it, wow that took will power) - Comments 1 - Rating 5 stars of 1 rating - Posted on Monday night at 7:30pm, removed on Tuesday night at 11:00 pm - viewed only in the USA - Viewed in 2 states viewed entirely by my subcribers no searches.
Video to be posted at 7:00PM EST and removed at 11:00pm EST the following day on weekdays, Same content included in images of video and sound, same thumbnail, same tags none, same category - animals, Same small sampling of subscribers 23*

Mostly I'm concentrating on the title using examples of commonly used techniques from other you tubers to see if there is a major difference in the results.
There are some other variables I cannot control which makes this a very poorly designed scientific experiment, first of all the days which I post (I've heard that some days gain more viewers than others-this is a test for another week) second the subscriber base and my small sampling of the population. *Same small sampling of subscribers 23 (this may deter some because they have seen the video previously) and I'm counting on the support of people feel they need to give me views for having created something they believe I care deeply about, besides those that are simply understanding and caring, I've observed lots of undue attention given that is not deserved for bad videos this is also for the yt's own sake in receiving attention by giving it (I suppose that's not a bad lesson to learn if it's deeper meaning is understood). In my last blog I mentioned my concerns in a selective sampling also.

And as always I'm depending on my invisibility, and peoples lack of concern or true interest in other you tubers, peoples disconsern with reading on you tube, and their lack of ability to deal with any criticizing if they were to read my blog. I have hidden my blog with a link directly in front of my channel and named it the same as my YT channel this way I assume no one will ever read it. Invisibility has it's purposes, lol.
I am really bored and while making video is sometimes fun for the purpose of keeping track of stuff I do, I'm interested in learning more about this video world. Ok so really I'm never bored and I always have more to do and more I wish to do but I really want to take a closer look at the sociology of you tube, so I'm doing a little test with a very small sampling of the society, perhaps I should widen my subscriber base by making a new channel but I have a small unit and I'll work with it. First I have to keep in mind I've attracted mostly artist and people interested in children, and some that have a strong interest in my husbands channel (those are the best to sample from) I've noticed that the devote you tuber is on nearly every two hours and don't have jobs pertaining to computers, many of which post new videos every 3 to 7 days, the ones with larger subscriber bases often take anywhere between 1 to 3 weeks at a time between vids. I've unfortunately unsubscribed people that had subed my vids because they obviously found me sexually attractive, this would have helped my sampling because so much of the YT community is based off of sexual interest and I'm completely lacking on those interested in humor also, but I started this channel mainly to show real content and involve my self more in art, I just happen to have a lot of intellectual interests beyond that.

I unsubed them, due to the fact I show who I really am. I suck at acting and lying and I have little desire for fame or attention especially the wrong kind of attention and I wish to show my children on YT I'd rather not have perves tuning in, I'd like to concentrate more on arts and crafts but as of yet that stuff needs to be planned out shot right and some time put into the execution of the editing, I'm still learning the editing and I have much more important things to do like parenting.