This is one of the Bride's faviorite photos, compleately blured and totaly expressive.
There's dozens of different types of photographers and a perfect fit for any couple. There are photographers that give superior verbal direction and those with special photo editing skills, there's plenty that are not "intrusive" at all and give no verbal clues what so ever standing from a distance and hardly noticeable, some love the candid photo and more often you find those whom take static traditional group portrait photos.
Well my personal favorite styles as an artist are the famously coined phrased style of photojournalist, which I must admit has become a very misleading phrase. Every wanna be photographer on the market is claiming photojournalist properties right now, but that doesn't mean they have any ability to take the style of photo they claim. So what is photojournalism, well when you open a newspaper and there's coverage of the big warehouse fire down town that is photojournalism, first you see that they got shots at good angles on the fly (meaning without any preparation), fires don't give warnings as to when they're going to happen, the photographer got in the right angle for a good composition to explain the photo visually to the viewer like a story. Some other elements of a true photojournalist are blurs such as the foreground showing a focused image and the background blurred this shows depth, opposite are static photos where the whole picture is in perfect focus static photos make things look 2d flat and boring, but they do have their place. You may also find that the photojournalist is every where all the time in your face at your feet above you on the canopy, willing to verbal instruct you like a fashion model and show people looking like they really do blemishes and all. These attributes are not appealing to some couples but I believe this gets the best results and the most real feeling of the wedding day. Journalists aren't centered on the people but the art of the photo it's not in the face of the bride but the contrast, story, and angle of the picture.
Then there's the "Traditional wedding Photographer" in the art world these guys get the worst rap, but they do completely have their own place and I think that place was left behind in the 80's somewhere between LP records and mullets. Maybe I'm being too harsh on self starter business guy, which you'll find is the main objective of the traditional wedding photographer the paycheck. That said you'll often find these guys have the lowest price reasonable accessible.
The traditional photographer is geared to the common person what most people take pictures of themselves when tourists go to a national monument they don't take awe inspiring photos of the statue of liberty or Mount Rushmore they aren't conserened with lighting or angle, the tourist wants to prove they were there for all the money the trip cost them they only want the picture of them in the picture with the monument behind them, they don't understand the vaule of the bigger picture, but I believe that everyone respects the artistic value but they don't know it until the photos are processed. But then there's other things to consider about the Traditional style, Traditional aren't the type to talk a lot when shooting, this is a job to them, to some brides this can be preferable. Some things to consider are whether your a photographic person do you like your picture being taken, are you self concise about you're looks weight skin etc. are you very concerned about the photographer getting in the way of the religious ceremony if you answered yes to the last two questions then a traditional photographer might be more your thing. The Traditionals don't spend a lot of time thinking about the lighting or cropping of an image, they don't concentrate to much on the details and aren't concerned with the photoshop editing of the photos, the preceromoney and engagment pictures might be on their list of to do's but that doesn't mean they know what to do with those photos or how to shoot them. To find the Traditional you'll find they talk a lot about the group portraits which are a standard of any wedding photographer but far more emphasized by the traditional style, why because most people think that's the most important photos of a wedding (not me personally). You'll often find them to have years of experience and no education at all.
Even the people that claim they want Photojournalist often go bridezilla the moment choosing who's in the group portraits start, although when it comes to printing the photos those portrait photos are often the first to be left behind, they just show the wedding party and family not the feeling and interactions of the people. This is where the rift between fine art and the common people begin.
I have other things to do for now so I can't finish this blog some other things I'd like to cover are; an education in modern wedding photography expectations/engagments, printing and wedding albums, a copyright and expense guide questions to ask and where the mark ups begin, No they aren't really your wedding photos, online wedding albums what is really nessary?, What I like to do when shooting, who's a real photographer and what are they really worth? anyone can buy a slr now a days- all the worlds a photo professional.
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