So that's the Table, I also had some costumes to make My older daughter came to me with a week to make a character from a book for a reading class party at school of course it took me to the end of the week to take any intrest in doing so, but I succeeded at first she only wanted to be a powerpuff girl, but walmart (yes I shop there) didn't have the right fabric then we considered tinkerbell which I can't say I liked due to the short skirt and strapless dress and the complexty of the costume, Finally Dorthy from the Wizard of OZ simple cheap and strait cuts, I made this costume in about 2 hours including sizing so if I do a how to costume video this is what I'll make it was fun she looked great and easy enough to change into with her uniform at school

I also never posted that adorable goth cheerleader costume that I had made her for Halloween last year so this is it:

And I've been working on yet another costume for Mark this time, he always complains that I never do anything for him or sew him anything that is. So I'm not supposed to announce it or anything but I'm making him a superhero costume copyright free of course and we're working out the scripts and character it's a new deal sort of thing. I was trying it on him for size the other day before I added the yoke and it looked just like a evening gown on him, he was not so happy with it but it was hilarious especially with his chest hair, very dashing, he'd make a great drag queen I must say, I already have some ideas about how stupid and aimless dressing and acting like an idiot cartoon is at our mature age but if he wishes to behave that way I've never stopped anyone from falling in their own self made wholes. He still hasn't finished editing the video of the cave man costume I made him last year.
So that just about covers the whole sewing stuff I've been doing I should write more often cause I also have been practicing knitting my brother wants the tom baker dr. who scarf that was red too, it may take a few years I had someone else make him the brown one a few years ago but if I keep going at this rate he may have the red one by the time his daughter graduates college 10years or so, lol, I'm slow at knitting. I've been wanting to finish up a greenscreen quilt and make some more plastic bag holders and market some on etsy too, of which I've sold nothing off of as of yet and make a video explaining them too, we'll see. and then I wanted to make some more ugly dolls and do the same promotion video and sell on etsy etc.. So some other things I have done is make a banner for etsy and some backgrounds for Mark's upcoming quiz video and some of this and that oh I made a Website too and well I don't know what else I do and do and do and days just fade away children get older and responsibilitys get greater some days I can't remeber and I never know where I'm going or where I've been I just live and know what I'm doing now, what a taoist way to feel : )