This is it what I think would work, but I'm not crazy (well maybe I am) but I'm not stupid, I know it would take time for this sort of set up to take with the general population. One of the reasons I didn't change the top two layers of vids is because with the transition from being a popularity based content provider to a quality content provider the current viewers still need to be statisfied. I assume the current viewers and content providers will complain, because that's what they do best it's quite simalar to what I saw them test just a yesterday then they changed it back. But I wouldn't do what they did, they made catogories like mine but they were all populaty based, this collection of viewers isn't making you money now but your still going to showcase what they like, what are you people thinking. The page design it's self was very busy with other catogories too. Now I like to go simple with design to attrack the greatest amount of people from every life style when promoting a site, old people for example get very confused with technology and just leave the site if not satisfied automaticly. YT has long since been too complex offering too many opptions I make websites for a living and it took me over a month to figure out how to find things I wanted to see that were of quality. Things like most popular this week this month all time, I get that everyone wants to be in the lime light, but does everyone want to watch crap all the time, it's like I can't find anything cause I have to know the right search words. I would set up the catogories in the same fashion there are a few things to consider who's your market are they really teaching or relaying their content good plot, organized thoughts can you even see the videos being promoted, are they good I mean really good. The promotion attiudes of youtube are another thing that really just should change seems they instated policies then retracted them, they say it's for everyone but only these top 20 high subbed people get any views, the views aren't selling ads because these people aren't good enough, their numbers keep growing cause they keep getting promoted out of it, I have rarely seen anything worth watching from the promoted top 20, only some what the ---- guy seems to have any talent or content at all, but the promoters leave no room for the you in you tube. So This brilliant idea of free uploaded video site is dieing cause no one cares about anything but what they like, everyone gives them free rights to show their own productions and information experinces etc. they've been reconized for political gains and helping with higher education, and they still rather focus on what teens with no money like, like makeup and cursing or they promote their own personal views like the amazing a-hole. What's amazing is that they have no professional marketing team.
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