I'm doing it, it's been a while but I got it up and started so it's a nice little side business. About two weeks ago I posted some stuff up on etsy under the seller name Junoart and while I haven't got much going yet on that site. I have alot more stock which today thanks to my friends as she said was being a bitch to get me to sell at this store she's doing some stuff for. But I'm glad I have a bitch for a best friend, I get so discouraged at times trying and trying to figure it out what I have to do.
Between making stuff and marketing stuff and Networking sites and researching products and then having a life a family and the 9 to 5 job stuff it all gets to be too much, and if things don't sell all the praise in the world doesn't make me feel good. Soon enough I'll see how it goes I think I spread myself too thin. My father always told me not to be an artist, what an insane passion it is.
In this new market and with the market being what it is nothing right now it's alot of work just getting it all together. Packaging is half the battle, people really do believe you have a better product if your packing is professional. Even beyond that marketing if you don't do it for yourself it won't happen, first you work with your own community and I think that's where the real support comes in those close to you will respect you and your work the most, but for todays market we know it's that big big world the Internet. There's thousands of us out there, into our own things do what we do screaming out to world on our digital platform in a sea where so many have already made a mark, how does one even get seen?
So I'm told for the arts and crafts market bloging is the mark it's the craft market so here I am, but is it enough, no not by any means. No one not one no how just becomes big all on their own just by making a blog writing some stories doing some videos, their's alway a hook a catch that gets people reading wins people hearts over and more. I've watched what it took to get mark big and it's practically selling your soul to see how many hours each endeavor takes it's the social interactivity promotions and being seen featured commenting and RSS or Subscribing or Friending people all over, it's a 24-7 obsession to keep up with once the ball is started it'll roll on it's own, but you need to play the game to win it, do I have what it takes I don't know. I just do what I love and if people get then great if not well I'll find another way.
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